is evolutionary. It is not fixed.

Release pain or trauma and
gain freedom to live better.
Unblock stuck energy to access your full potential.
Deepen your spiritual life and connection to self.
Discover your direction and purpose in life.
Create success that supports your desires.
"Paul is a light in this world that helps guide you through so many things. He is genuine, trustworthy, and someone you can really feel comfortable working with through your journey."
C McK, Dallas Texas (2021)
"Thanks for sharing this with me. Having your support and feedback has really been a gift. Seriously, thank you. Something is happening inside of me… a delicious expansion and awareness is beginning to bloom. And it has things it wants to share. 😉 Humbled and grateful for our friendship and work together. My 2 new favorite feels. 💚"
C McK, Dallas Texas (2021)
hover to read more
"I wanted to share with you how much you impacted my life. You have such a special gift and you shared it with me. I can still tell you the day my life started to shift, it was when I started the healing work with you. You are a guide and helped me see myself thru my wounds. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you and love you."
SB, Dallas Texas (2020)
"We were discussing how we felt now with our energy. We both feel our progress and our current more peaceful place is absolutely due to our work with you and our commitment to making change. We both still have our struggles but we handle them differently and have better tools to cope. The self-love part and forgiveness has been key. It’s a strong program to overcome but definitely so much better. Thank you. Truly!"
JB, Dallas Texas (2020)
"Paul is a very gifted healer, During sessions, he not only takes his time to understand what your needs are but also helps you gap the bridge between mind and soul. After a session with Paul, the benefits are countless, and some of the greatest are an improved ability to understand your inner world, opened energy pathways, calmer and clearer mind and overall happiness and acceptance of one's self."
N.B-U, Plano Texas (2018)
"Paul has the unique ability to make me feel safe to delve into blocked emotions that are getting in the way of me being happy. I enjoy the sessions, the insight, and the professionalism that Paul brings to the sessions that allow me to really seek my truth."
G.T., Dallas, Texas (2017)
"I have never done energy work before. I was skeptical but once I understood the science behind it, I could see just how it relates to moments in my life that weren't so nice and how they were impacting me. I now see myself in a different light with the blinkers lifter knowing I can live free of the emotional baggage I have been carrying for so long. Thank you, Paul."
P.C., Sydney Australia (2016)
"Paul I'm grand. I looked at myself in the mirror today. For the first time, it was friendly. I feel less pressure to prioritize my time around pleasing other people first. I'm thankful for the guidance you provided me yesterday. I feel a huge relief."
K.S., Dallas Texas (2018)
"The sessions I have undertaken with Paul in the last 4 months have done more for me than the last 30 years of counselling and therapy. I always knew I was struggling with finding the joy in life, even though I have had a very lucrative career. I feel I can now begin to enjoy life in new energy that will allow me to live happily and with joy.
M.H., Dallas Texas (2018)
"After three sessions with Paul, I have been able to let go of the emotional baggage I have been carrying for 50+ years. I feel I have new freedom to live out from under the clutches of my own limiting beliefs that really messed with my mind and how I saw the world."
SQ, Dallas Texas (2018)
"I recently found myself in a position in life where I was experiencing emotional trauma and just couldn’t find a way through this situation. To be honest, it was quite a dark time in my life where I felt utterly trapped and the first time I was unable to help myself out of the situation I found myself in.
I was having trouble seeing how I could personally move on, unable to eat properly or sleep and my mind full of circling thoughts. I had tried a few things that I thought might help to no avail and ended up feeling quite desperate, a very unpleasant way to feel. Working myself as a professional Naturopath & Medical Herbalist I have facilitated many of my clients through difficult journey’s in their lives and yet I couldn’t help myself. I had met Paul professionally and turned to him for help, I am so glad I did. My experience was one that I just didn’t feel I could share with just anyone and felt perhaps I might have been judged if I was to do so.
Paul facilitated me through a healing process that enlightened me to understand the deeper reasons as to why I was going through this experience, the healing journey helped me to release the situation and enabled me to move on in life and get myself back on track.
This was a great relief and now I am feeling amazing, in fact, the healing allowed me to move forward in many ways a huge blessing. I am so grateful, in my hour of need Paul facilitated my healing all the way from Texas, the US to New Zealand via Skype, he was gentle and non-judgemental, the healing super effective.
I would highly recommend Paul to anyone who is seeking healing or who is in need of assistance, he has high integrity, honesty and he is incredibly gifted spiritually. I can’t thank him enough."
Yours in Health
Juelle Hunt
'Revitalize Naturopathic Healthcare'
Naturopath & Medical Herbalist (BNatMed) MNZAMH
Vibrational Energy Therapist
Tel: 09 2357658 / 027463 9229 Email: juelle@revitalizehealth.co.nz
"After our session, I felt so good. Any better and they might have had to take me somewhere. LOL! (joke about slight hypomania on the joyous end of spectrum🤩😎). It occurred after coming home and relaxing and lasted for about 5 evenings. I felt like u were sending me happiness and the ability to feel joy.
I was a little embarrassed to share that because I am pretty sure you were not consciously sitting at home spending your time on me. But, for some reason, I felt you were giving me this gift. Maybe your soul was sending to mine or our session opened that energy flow. I even said out loud and when alone, something like 'Wow, thanks for this gift. I know it is you, Paul! I know it was through you.
I think that your approach allowed me to experience it because there is no sexual tension, drama, or baggage. I need not over think it all and just take it as a sign that I am on the intended path."
JK, Dallas, TX (2018)
"My sessions with Paul have been nothing short of phenomenal. Having experienced other energy work through a variety of people, it became apparent to me that Paul’s loving spirit and unique gifts go beyond what I ever expected.
He truly cares for his clients' wellbeing and wants to support them through their own journey. I have felt tremendous shifts in my life with his encouraging support and energy work. Simply put, words cannot capture the dose of love and magic one will encounter with Paul!"
J.C., Dallas, TX (2018)
"Hi there! I'm doing great!! Thank you for asking. The time we spent and what you did meant the world to me and has me on a really good path. Not just "practice" but rather "Be okay with..." 😀 Thank you, Paul. I feel amazing. Like you said, I slept so good last night. It was really amazing. Still reflecting."
RE, Dallas, TX (Feb 2017)
"I am still processing everything from our session. It was very powerful and enlightening. I look forward to meeting again soon!"
MB, Dallas, US ( June 2017)
"Sweet! I did sleep solid last night and feeling very peaceful and not at all emotional. It's a strange peaceful perhaps because I've never had it! Thanks for checking in! Love and hugs!" ❤️❤️🙏
AF, Dallas, US (Aug 2017)
"Hi Paul. Thank you for the healing you gave me yesterday, I will start the new affirmation now. I'll take everything you taught me to heart. I am finally being pulled out of the darkness of the woods. I hope I can see you again next time you are here.
I feel honoured that you made the time for me the other day, and thank you for helping me. Your light and goodness shone through. Thank you."🙏🏼💕
JF, Auckland, New Zealand (Sept 2016)